Joyful January continues with two more FREE Amazon ebooks. Unfortunately I was unable to schedule them for today, but they will be available TOMORROW for FREE! We are offering the Spring Edition 2023 and the Summer Edition 2023 for FREE this week. All of January we will be offering TWO Amazon ebooks for FREE every week. Find our FREE editions here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C65TX7PX I want to connect with you! Answer this week's question below in the Community Activity section. Thank you to those to answered last week's question. It really helps our magazine to have more of what you want to read. I look forward to continuing a Joyful January with all of you!
Windows into the Multiverse Writing Contest: You are asked to write a micro-story beginning with “Through the window, I saw...” using the photo (Found on our website under "Contests"). The only restriction on your creativity is that you keep your micro-story clean. All genres are accepted. Submissions are open through January 31. Please keep your submission to between 1,000 and 1,500 words. Send your micro-story, your name as you would like it to appear, the genre of the story, your social media handle/website, and an email for contact purposes to info@cleanfictionmagazine.com. We cannot wait to read what you write about this new image and are excited to read your submissions!
Spring Cover Art Contest: Submissions will begin January 15 and go through January 27. (Submissions are completely FREE) Voting will begin on January 29 and go through February 10. (Voting is also FREE) The winner will be announced on February 15th. See our website for the small print. The winner will receive a $20 Amazon Gift Card and the other covers will be included in the magazine along with their submission information. The winner will also receive a certificate with a special 3D-printed medallion (only within the US). For more information visit our website under "Contests". To enter, email info@cleanfictionmagazine.com the following: Your Cover Art, Your Name, the Name of the Cover Designer, the Title/Author of the Book (if it is not clearly visible in the image), Your Website/Social Media, and an Email Address (for contact purposes).
Clean Fiction Audio: Finding God in Anime Vol. 1 - No Greater Love a devotion by Amy Lynn McConahy is now available now on YouTube (@CleanFiction). Finding God in Anime Vol. 1 - No One is Beyond Saving is available now on Patreon and will be available on YouTube next week! If you want early access to Clean Fiction Audio uploads you can sign up for as little as $1/month at patreon.com/cleanfiction. We are looking for Clean Fiction Audio Sponsors! It would be $25 per video and your business/book will be promoted everywhere we promote your episode. Your contribution enables us to continue this ministry, offer these videos for free, and reach more readers with the love of our Savior.
May your day be bright and your reading be epic!
~ Amy Lynn McConahy, Clean Fiction Publisher
This Week's Community Activity:
Which is your favorite Clean Fiction Cover?

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