We would like to welcome a new reviewer to the team. Bethany Baldwin is an actress and writer, writing and acting in multiple mediums. She believes in the power of a story to shape hearts and minds and seeks to wield that power with wisdom, whether through writing a script, or voice acting in an audio drama, or whatever other doors the Lord opens. When she isn't running around trying to keep up with her many projects, she enjoys being an aunt to many sweet nieces and nephews, crafting, the occasional video game with friends, and taking in stories in as many forms as possible. She is a proud member of the Audio Drama Alliance. Make sure to show Bethany some love on social media! Welcome to the team!
Website: https://www.bethanybaldwin.com
Facebook: Writings of Bethany Baldwin
Instagram: the_dramatic_bookworm
Goodreads: Bethany Baldwin
Winter Cover Art Contest: Submissions go through October 28. (Submissions are completely FREE) Voting will begin on October 30 and go through November 11. (Voting is also FREE) See our website for the small print. The winner will receive a $20 Amazon Gift Card and the other covers will be ranked by place and included in the magazine along with their submission information. The winner will also receive a certificate with a special 3D-printed medallion.

Simply email info@cleanfictionmagazine.com the following: Your Cover Art (In JPG format), Your Name, the Name of the Cover Designer, Title/Author of the Book (if it is not clearly visible in the image), Your Website/Social Media, and an Email Address (for contact purposes).
This Contest is Sponsored by Author Pam Halter. Find her books, blog, and editing information at PamHalter.com.
How do I become a Contest Sponsor?
We need sponsors! Sponsor this contest for only $25! There is a limit of 3 sponsors per contest at this time. With a sponsorship, you will receive: a website banner, mentions on social media, and your banner will be printed along with the contest in the upcoming edition.
Send your banner information, graphics, business name, and contact information to info@cleanfictionmagazine.com to see what sponsorships are open for the Winter Edition 2023.
May your day be bright and your reading be epic!
~ Amy Lynn McConahy, Clean Fiction Publisher
This Week's Community Activity:
Submit a Micro-Story

You are asked to write a micro-story beginning with “Through the window, I saw...” using the photo (found on our website under "Contests") as inspiration. The only restriction on your creativity is that you keep your micro-story clean. All genres are accepted. Submissions will open October 1-31. Please keep your submission to between 1,000 and 1,500 words. Send your micro-story, your name as you would like it to appear, the genre of the story, your social media handle/website, and an email for contact purposes to info@cleanfictionmagazine.com. We will not use your micro-stories without your permission and the winner/s will be sent pages for approval.
This Contest is Sponsored by Ben Avery and the Strangers and Aliens Podcast (StrangersandAliens.com or YouTube).

Patreon: patreon.com/cleanfiction
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cleanfiction
Clean Fiction Merch: https://www.redbubble.com/people/sirensmuse/shop?asc=u
Clean Fiction Community Discord: https://discord.gg/yetJ9ZpGED