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That Is What The Bible Tells Me


Job did love his God… That is what the Bible tells me.

Satan beat him now… That is what the Bible tells me.

Did not turn from God… That is what the Bible tells me.

I will believe in God’s word.


Sampson’s name was feared… That is what the Bible tells me.

Let his secret out… That is what the Bible tells me.

Called upon the Lord… That is what the Bible tells me.

I will believe in God’s word.


God gave us an instruction book.

Pick it up and give it a look.

Though heaven and earth may pass away,

His word will remain for always.


Samuel heard from God… That is what the Bible tells me.

Called him in the night… That is what the Bible tells me.

Listened to the Lord… That is what the Bible tells me.

I will believe in God’s word.


Angels came to Lot… That is what the Bible tells me.

Moved his family out… That is what the Bible tells me.

Saved him from the fire… That is what the Bible tells me.

I will believe in God’s word.


God gave us an instruction book.

Pick it up and give it a look.

Though heaven and earth may pass away,

His word will remain for always.


Jesus came to Earth… That is what the Bible tells me.

Showed us how to live… That is what the Bible tells me.

Died and rose again… That is what the Bible tells me.

I will believe in God’s word.



A Brother’s Lament


Help me to love my brothers and sisters.

Help me see things the way that they do.

Help me find joy in serving others.

Lord, help me be much more like you.


It’s easy to get upset when things don’t go my way.

I may then need to scream and shout when I don’t have my say.

But I am called to separate myself from childish ways.

Still, sometimes when I’m made to wait, I may make someone pay.


Help me to love my brothers and sisters.

Help me see things the way that they do.

Help me find joy in serving others.

Lord, help me be much more like you.


It’s easy to point out blame when I don’t think I’m wrong.

Then I can fuss and use their ways to sing of in a song.

Then when I’m done I look around at faces standing near.

That’s when I start to realize I’ve bended someone’s ear.


Help me to love my brothers and sisters.

Help me see things the way that they do.

Help me find joy in serving others.

Lord, help me be much more like you.


It’s easy to criticize the message that is taught.

I soon start thinking that I’m wise when others know I’m not.

I know it may sound terrible to leave my mind to roam.

It could and may be possible I left my mind at home.


Help me to love my brothers and sisters.

Help me see things the way that they do.

Help me find joy in serving others.

Lord, help me be much more like you.



My Little Pharisee


Seems that everyday I struggle with a little voice inside me.

Sounds like someone standing on my shoulder, whisper in my ear.

And he turns my mind away from kindness, starts my lower nature.

Though he can’t be seen I still can hear him talking loud and clear.


My little Pharisee keeps track of my every good deed.

Tries to make me feel superior when others are in need.

Wants to fill me with self righteousness, grown from the smallest seed.

When I least expect I hear his voice… my little Pharisee.


Oh, I wish I did not have to hear that little voice inside me, 

When he tells me I’m not quite as bad as all those other men.

Yes, he’s very glad when someone sees me drop coins in the offering,

And he’s sure to see if someone disobeys commandments ten.


My little Pharisee keeps track of my every good deed.

Tries to make me feel superior when others are in need.

Wants to fill me with self righteousness, grown from the smallest seed.

When I least expect I hear his voice… my little Pharisee.


Sometimes I roughly knock him off his place upon my shoulder.

But he’ll wait to make his grand appearance when I drop my guard.

Maybe when I’m asked to do a job that doesn’t look important,

Or when someone fails to thank me when I have worked very hard.


My little Pharisee keeps track of my every good deed.

Tries to make me feel superior when others are in need.

Wants to fill me with self righteousness, grown from the smallest seed.

When I least expect I hear his voice… my little Pharisee.


Oh, he’s quick to point out other folks, when words and deeds don’t line up.

But he doesn’t seem to mind it when my line looks just the same.

He imagines getting an award because this song is clever.

And he’ll swell to almost twice the size if they call out my name.


My little Pharisee keeps track of my every good deed.

Tries to make me feel superior when others are in need.

Wants to fill me with self righteousness, grown from the smallest seed.

When I least expect I hear his voice… my little Pharisee.



How I Praise the Lord


I can praise the Lord with my mouth.

I can praise the Lord with my heart.

The way I show my love and give thanks

Is how I praise the Lord.


Praising God is easy to do.

I should praise the whole day through.

There is so much to be thankful for.

And every day He blesses me more.


I can praise the Lord with my hands.

I can praise the Lord with my feet.

The way I show my love and give thanks

Is how I praise the Lord.


All I have and all that I am,

Is all from God, sent by His hand.

His work in me is not over yet.

The peace He gave me I’ll not forget.


I can praise the Lord with my ears.

I can praise the Lord with my eyes.

The way I show my love and give thanks

Is how I praise the Lord.


So praise Him in a song or a prayer.

He hears your praise from anywhere.

Your words, whether a lot or a few,

Are what He wants to hear from you.


I can praise the Lord with my mouth.

I can praise the Lord with my heart.

The way I show my love and give thanks

Is how I praise the Lord.



Is That Where?


Is that where you’re leading me Lord?

I’m searching for a clue in your word.

I’ll do what you want me to do.

My whole life I give to you.

It happens from time to time. I get this feeling inside.

I first felt it deep in my heart when Jesus became a part.

A yearning beginning to swell, like fresh water drawn from a well.

Impatient to work for the Lord… Eager to move forward.


Is that where you’re leading me Lord?

I’m searching for a clue in your word.

I’ll do what you want me to do.

My whole life I give to you.


Every now and again God has me look at where I have been.

His work is easily found when I didn’t feel Him around.

Strange though it may seem, the Lord makes most use of me

When I’m at an all-time low… tired and weak and slow.


Is that where you’re leading me Lord?

I’m searching for a clue in your word.

I’ll do what you want me to do.

My whole life I give to you.





Once lived a man who had to have evidence.

Once lived a man who believed in what he could see.

If there was any doubt, he refused to believe.

Didymus said that what’s real can be verified.

All that’s real is smelled, felt, heard, tasted, or seen.

If any doubt remained, he refused to believe.


Didymus would stand his ground if the proper proof wasn’t found.

He would come to the conclusion that it just could not be…

“Until I see, I’ll not believe.” ‘til I feel and I see, I’ll not believe.


Friends tried to tell him that Jesus was now alive.

Didymus heard that they’d seen Him with their own eyes.

He didn’t see for himself. He refused to believe.

Friends told him they’d seen the nail prints in His hands.

Didymus heard that they’d seen the wound in His side.

He didn’t touch for himself. He refused to believe.


Didymus would stand his ground if the proper proof wasn’t found.

He would come to the conclusion that it just could not be…

“Until I see, I’ll not believe.” ‘til I feel and I see, I’ll not believe.


Then with his friends, all closed up inside a room.

There all together they saw that Jesus was there.

Jesus said, “Peace be with you.” Didymus could believe.

Jesus said, “Don’t be unbelieving anymore.

Come here and put your hand on my hands and my side.”

Didymus said, “My Lord and my God.” He truly believed.


Maybe proof can’t be found. Maybe He can’t be seen around.

It is faith that makes you know Him. You don’t have to see.

Blessed are they who do not see…

“Blessed are they who do not see and yet believe.”



Now I Can See


The neighbors saw the beggar man and knew that he was blind.

The man they saw had eyes that worked like every other kind.

“Is this the same man? He can see! It can’t be him,” they said.

“Yes it is me. I am the same.” is what the beggar said.


They knew that he was born that way and he was not to blame.

Though he was just a beggar man he now was not the same.

“Where is this man who healed your eyes?” is what the others said.

Our friend stood straight up, looked around and this is what he said.


“Now I can see. Now I can see.

All that I know is once I was blind but now I can see.

Between you and me, this Teacher must be

Sent from above to take my heart and from sin be set free.”


They took him to some men that kept and studied holy law.

They just did not believe that he had eyes that never saw.

“A man named Jesus put some mud upon my eyes, and said,

‘Go to the pool and wash your eyes.’” And that is what I did.


“Now I can see. Now I can see.

All that I know is once I was blind but now I can see.

Between you and me, this Teacher must be

Sent from above to take my heart and from sin be set free.”


The men demanded that he tell, “Who is this Jesus man?”

“A prophet is what Jesus is, it seems from where I stand.”

A second time they called me back. “Tell us the truth!” they said.

“I told you once. Did you not hear?” is what the beggar said.


“Now I can see. Now I can see.

All that I know is once I was blind but now I can see.

Between you and me, this Teacher must be

Sent from above to take my heart and from sin be set free.”



When Jesus Spoke


Your words can heal the sick, can make temptation flee.

Deaf ears can hear once more, a halting tongue can speak.

The powers great and small must do just as you say.

All evil powers yield. The wind and waves obey.


When Jesus Spoke,

The lame man’s legs were healed, his sins forgiven.

When Jesus Spoke,

a meal from one young lad fed 5,000 men.

When Jesus Spoke

He called each burdened soul to come unto Him.

Your word has changed the world.

Your word can change my heart.

So Jesus, my Lord, speak to me.


Your word can quench a thirst, can fill a hungry need.

The broken body healed, the blinded eyes can see.

You called a man by name to cause the dead to rise.

The power of your truth can make the foolish wise.


When Jesus Spoke,

The lame man’s legs were healed, his sins forgiven.

When Jesus Spoke,

a meal from one young lad fed 5,000 men.

When Jesus Spoke

He called each burdened soul to come unto Him.

Your word has changed the world.

Your word can change my heart.

So Jesus, my Lord, speak to me.


The powers great and small must do just as you say.

All evil powers yield, the wind and waves obey.

That is What the Bibe Tells Me
A Brother's Lament
My Little Pharisee
How I Praise the Lord
Is That Where?
Now I Can See
When Jesus Spoke
Clean Fiction Magazine Banner

Copyrighted 2025 Amy Lynn McConahy

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