Voting will go through February 8. (Voting is also FREE). The winner will be announced February 13 in our Newsletter. Join our Newsletter list HERE.
Submit Your Cover Art HERE for Our Summer Contest (April)!

Cover 1
Title: Married Before Christmas
Author: Hannah Foster
Designer: Moutain Peak Edits & Design

Cover 4
Title: The Wolf Warden
Author: Kathryn Jordan
Designer: Kathryn Jordan
Social Handle: @kathrynjordanbooks

Cover 2
Title: Thorns of Winter
Author: Moriah Chavis
Designer: Andrea Renae
Social Handle: @moria.chavis

Cover 5
Title: Waterborne
Author: David J. Marsh
Designer: Amber Weigand-Buckley
Social Handle: @barefacedcreativemedia

Cover 3
Title: Elizion Conspiracy
Author: Elizabeth Klein
Designer: Devdiaart Digital Artist
Cover 6
Title: Whispers and Flame
Author: Demi Griffin
Designer: DSM Designs
Facebook: devotedsteps
Instagram: d.m.griffins

Cover 7
Title: Finding Mera
Author: Elizabeth D. Marie
Designer: Elizabeth D. Marie
Instagram: elizabethdmarie

Cover 10
Title: Emberling
Author: Kaytlin Phillips
Designer: Jaiden Phillips Art
Instagram: kaytlin_phillips_writes

Cover 8
Title: The Last Climb
Author: Shannon Skaer
Designer: Shannon Skaer
Facebook: RJSKAER
Instagram: shannonskaer

Cover 11
Title: The Sound of Silence
Author: Hannah Gaudette
Designer: Miblart
Instagram: hannah.thewriter

Cover 9
Title: Superiors
Author: Megan Caudill
Designer: Miblart
Facebook: Megan Caudill Author

Cover 12
Title: When Plans Go Awry
Author: Denise M. Colby
Designer: Linda Fulkerson - Book Marketing Graphics
Social Handle: denisemcolby

Cover 13
Title: Hinges
Author: Cynthia Seawell Horsfall
Designer: GetCovers
Social Media Handle: Cindy Horsfall

Cover 16
Title: Best Seller
Author: Christina Rost
Designer: Christina Rost
Facebook/Instagram: christinarostfiction
X: CR_Writer20

Cover 14
Title: Then Surrender
Author: Abasiama Udom
TikTok: abasiama.udom
X: abasiamaudom

Cover 17
Title: Moments Late
Author: Brianna Lynn Campbell
Designer: Megan McCullough
Social Media Handle: briannalynncampbell

Cover 15
Title: Lighten Our Darkness
Author: Sarah Brazytis
Designer: Sarah Brazytis
Social Media Handle: Sarah Brazytis

Cover 18
Title: Feather
Author: Susan Page Davis
Designer: Arthur Davenport
Facebook: ardeedavenport

Cover 19
Title: Ranger's Calling
Author: Raymond Keith
Designer: GetCovers
Facebook: author.raymondkeith
X: RaymondKepics

Cover 22
Title: Grimmfay
Author: M. T. DeSantis
Designer: Stardust Book Services in collaboration with Zoe Mellors
Facebook: Author M.T. DeSantis

Cover 20
Title: Wings of Truth
Author: Aaron DeMott
Designer: Nate Philbrick
Facebook: AuthorAaronDemott
Instagram: aaron_demott

Cover 21
Title: Shadows of the Ambassadorial Halls
Author: Amelia Nichole
Designer: Jasmine Natasha Art & Nathaniel James Productions
Social Media Handle: amelianicholebooks